

This is where you will find all of our 2018 Newsletters! Stay tuned for more information about what is happening at WOW...


The new four letter word that no one likes, in fact people have gotten away from using this word now days. Unlike the rest of the four letter words that just seem to fly out of people’s mouths, television and radio programs, along with social media. Believe it or not,...
Mr Bayfly

Mr Bayfly

Bayfly-Mr. Bayfly, sometimes lovingly referred to as the outlaw horse. Bayfly is a Quarter Horse cross in his early twenties who had grown up doing a lot of jumping. When I first arrived there it was all he could do to walk he was so crippled in his back and pelvis,...
Salt’s Story

Salt’s Story

On September 21, 2017 Salt laid down for what appeared to be a routine nap around 11am. This nap became anything but normal very quickly, yes it was suddenly the hottest day of the year topping out at 92 degrees, but lying flat out on the ground for several...
An Introduction

An Introduction

Think back to when you were a small child and you dreamed of owning or riding a horse or pony. What happened to those dreams? Did the hustle and bustle of society destroy your childhood dream? Perhaps you were able to manifest this dream into physical reality? For the...