WOW Rocks Meditations
We here at WOW Natural Healing believe that God truly is an amazing artist, creating such a beautiful Earth Mother, and deep within Her some of the most beautiful crystal treasures you will ever see. We over the years have purchased a wide variety of high quality stones from the every day Rose Quartz to the more rare Beta Quartz. The WOW Rocks Meditation event allows people to view a wide variety of crystals and create his or her own crystal adventure. Generally speaking the events are set up either by Chakra or by Element, but can be tailored based on specific needs. Each person leaves with the knowledge of the stones they should be using during their meditation time and affirmations. Please watch our website and social media pages for upcoming WOW Rocks Meditations near you!
Below you can see some of the WOW Natural Healing Crystal Allies.
Golden Healer
Candle Quartz from Madagascar (42 pounds) Mixing the white protective light with the Golden Ray of the Divine, I assist and focus your attention on healing at all levels. Healing each individual’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies and restoring the body’s natural balance. Provide us with protection, strength, and divine guidance. Call forth the aura of unconditional love. Allow God’s light to emanate through us and to be seen by the entire world. Fill us with joy, happiness, love, forgiveness, acceptance, and abundance. Remind us to be thankful and grateful every step of the way. ~Golden Healer
Beta Quartz
Beta Quartz from Brazil I was mined from deep within Mother Earth. Therefore I contain the vibration of the core sometimes referred to as the binaural beat. The very essence of who you are. My healing powers thus are the strongest at your core…your DNA the very essence of your being. Allow me to take you on a journey to your core and make the necessary repairs. ~Beta Quartz
Shiva Lingam
Shiva Lingam (80 pounds) Embrace me! The cosmic egg, light as a feather I am, allow me to connect you with the unifying force from which all creation is said to have emerged. I boost prana energies and vitality assisting in the serpental rise of the Kundalini energy from the base of the spine to the crown of your head. Allow the water from which I came to flow through you; the Earth which surrounded me to ground you; the fire within me to destroy and create anew; the wind around us to enlighten you. Allow me then to carry you into the eye of the storm where death and destruction are imminent, and creation and transformation prevail. ~Feather
Smokey Quartz
Smokey Quartz Get ready to step onto the launch pad and soar to the higher realms where I will assist you in obtaining grounded spiritual wisdom from the ancients. Constantly transmitting and receiving information from the Universe I will assist you in manifesting your dreams! ~Rocket
Crystal Skull “Desirae” Look into my eyes, for I can see the desires of your soul. I will assist you in bringing forth the nurturing, creativity, and path necessary to illuminate these core soul desires. For once you realize your desires your soul will ignite a raging wild fire called passion. Seek and ye too shall find the igniting spark! ~Desirae
Labradorite from Madagascar
Crystal Skull “Madison” Look into my eyes, for I can see the destiny of your soul. Through the many hues of my outer being I will assist you in finding a new inner balance based on strength, protection, and perseverance. As the wind blows around us listen and you shall hear the intuitive wisdoms of spirit. Accept as you will the information from the Void, the place of all potential and the source of creation. I will assist you on your pathway to ascension by filling your being with faith, hope, and love. ~Madison