Inner Beauty is simply a stunning mare with an incredible story! She was gifted to us some years back. What a blessing! We loved her, and she easily became our go to lesson horse. She is patient, confident, and a lover. All wonderful attributes that you look for in a lesson horse! The students all loved her as much as we did. She also has a long list of spiritual gifts as a Unicorn Pegasus, carrying the emotional/mental healing book from Atlantean times. Her most amazing gift to the world is her ability to use the Unicorn horn to pluck darkness off of an auric field! I have witnessed her to do that so many times!
You can imagine the devastation when we found her standing in the snow covered pasture on February 23, 2022 with her right hind leg completely up underneath her, and a deep long gash just above the hoof. She would bare no weight on it, not even touching the toe to the ground. Now any good horsemen follows the blood trail in the snow to discover the problem so that more horses do not end up injuring themselves. The blood trail was followed to…well nothing in this time.
Beauty was the first being I have ever worked with who showed me a past life vision in Biblical times. Travel with me back into those ancient times when animals were used as sacrifices. She showed me herself laying upside down slain open on a sacrifice table with her legs uncomfortably tied back in a very tight position. Her insides had mostly been removed or severely damaged. Hence the name Inner Beauty in this time, to heal the internal wounds from the past time. This is why we felt so strongly that we couldn’t rename the mare in this time. As time went on we realized the cellular memory from the other time had bled through and the wounds had to be healed in this time. First things first: Inner Beauty do you have the desire to heal your wounds and live out your natural life, or do you want to graduate and go on. Her answer, please assist me in the healing process. She meant every word of her answer. Inner Beauty’s message to the world: take a justified stand for the truth! We took care of the wound daily, getting all debris out and flushing it out, packing it with anti-bacterial wound care, and much more. She began to put her toe on the ground and bare small amounts of weight on the foot. Eventually she seemed to have healed with a little bit of proud flesh to prove it happened. We got her to the farrier, got her feet done hoping that would help her along.
The picture and videos below are from the end of February not long after the original injury occurred.
You can imagine the devastation when we found her standing in the snow covered pasture on February 23, 2022 with her right hind leg completely up underneath her, and a deep long gash just above the hoof. She would bare no weight on it, not even touching the toe to the ground. Now any good horsemen follows the blood trail in the snow to discover the problem so that more horses do not end up injuring themselves. The blood trail was followed to…well nothing in this time.
Beauty was the first being I have ever worked with who showed me a past life vision in Biblical times. Travel with me back into those ancient times when animals were used as sacrifices. She showed me herself laying upside down slain open on a sacrifice table with her legs uncomfortably tied back in a very tight position. Her insides had mostly been removed or severely damaged. Hence the name Inner Beauty in this time, to heal the internal wounds from the past time. This is why we felt so strongly that we couldn’t rename the mare in this time. As time went on we realized the cellular memory from the other time had bled through and the wounds had to be healed in this time. First things first: Inner Beauty do you have the desire to heal your wounds and live out your natural life, or do you want to graduate and go on. Her answer, please assist me in the healing process. She meant every word of her answer. Inner Beauty’s message to the world: take a justified stand for the truth! We took care of the wound daily, getting all debris out and flushing it out, packing it with anti-bacterial wound care, and much more. She began to put her toe on the ground and bare small amounts of weight on the foot. Eventually she seemed to have healed with a little bit of proud flesh to prove it happened. We got her to the farrier, got her feet done hoping that would help her along.
The picture and videos below are from the end of February not long after the original injury occurred.

After the wound had some what healed over Beauty began to go backwards. She was showing signs of depression from being on stall rest and away from the herd. There appeared to be no end in sight, and at that point we enlisted the assistance of a trusted veterinarian. She said I see no physical reason why the mare should not be walking correctly, let’s do some x-rays. Sounds like a wonderful idea. God please reveal to us the issue at hand! The x-rays done on May 15, 2022 (pictured below) revealed trauma induced ring bone. The over growth of the lower leg bones. This then causes the ligaments and tendons to stretch which causes pain. The veterinarian informed us this was the option: manage the pain, until it couldn’t be managed any longer. Then the mare would need to be put down. Knowing that we were already giving the mare high doses of pain meds, she advised it would just be a matter of time. Or would it?
The mares vulnerability, coupled with the knowledge that Gracie (a chestnut AQHA cross mare had visible bone growth that the spiritual team was able to smooth out/razor off at approximately 28 years of age, and then went back to work as a lesson horse!) and Beauty’s desire to heal herself…what can you do? You pray. I immediately posted out on Facebook an Attention Prayer Warrior request for Inner Beauty’s complete healing and for wisdom, guidance, and discernment for the humans just along for the ride on her journey! Many intently followed her journey, praying all along the way! Gratitude prayer warriors. Behind the scenes there were many hours of Reiki, working with the spiritual team shaving excess bone, turning DNA off or on so that she didn’t continue to put bone down where she should have been putting skin, realigning her pelvis, lots of tears, and an occasional celebration!
Just as a side note here, the shaving of the bone is done with an ancient encoding from Atlantean times. It shaves only the excess bone off. It literally allows the energy to spin so fast it creates heat. She would literally jerk her leg away when the heat got to be to intense and we would stop the process for a day or 2. The process was stopped to give her body time to get rid of the bone pieces shaved off. In Gracie’s case that would absess and pieces of bone could be found in the pus, in Inner Beauty’s case her body obviously absorbed the bone pieces.
By June 8, 2022 it was determined she was balanced enough to sustain a rider. This allowed us to reverse her energy which is a critical part of healing. It allows us to flesh off the emotions that no longer serve her. Think about all the hundreds of things that run through your mind when you sustain an injury. She missed her herd, she was the alpha mare! You could literally see it in her eyes! She was tired of being in her stall, and longed to be back outside under the stars with the herd stretching her legs and exercising. The most critical part in all of this is restoring balance to her physical body, but not pushing her so hard and fast that it pushes her past her point of balance. This is a fine line that we unknowingly crossed a few times and set her back a few days. I mainly sat a top her and ran energy the first time, but as time progressed she was able to walk and trot under saddle again! We even witnessed her cantering a few times out in the field with the herd!
The mares vulnerability, coupled with the knowledge that Gracie (a chestnut AQHA cross mare had visible bone growth that the spiritual team was able to smooth out/razor off at approximately 28 years of age, and then went back to work as a lesson horse!) and Beauty’s desire to heal herself…what can you do? You pray. I immediately posted out on Facebook an Attention Prayer Warrior request for Inner Beauty’s complete healing and for wisdom, guidance, and discernment for the humans just along for the ride on her journey! Many intently followed her journey, praying all along the way! Gratitude prayer warriors. Behind the scenes there were many hours of Reiki, working with the spiritual team shaving excess bone, turning DNA off or on so that she didn’t continue to put bone down where she should have been putting skin, realigning her pelvis, lots of tears, and an occasional celebration!
Just as a side note here, the shaving of the bone is done with an ancient encoding from Atlantean times. It shaves only the excess bone off. It literally allows the energy to spin so fast it creates heat. She would literally jerk her leg away when the heat got to be to intense and we would stop the process for a day or 2. The process was stopped to give her body time to get rid of the bone pieces shaved off. In Gracie’s case that would absess and pieces of bone could be found in the pus, in Inner Beauty’s case her body obviously absorbed the bone pieces.
By June 8, 2022 it was determined she was balanced enough to sustain a rider. This allowed us to reverse her energy which is a critical part of healing. It allows us to flesh off the emotions that no longer serve her. Think about all the hundreds of things that run through your mind when you sustain an injury. She missed her herd, she was the alpha mare! You could literally see it in her eyes! She was tired of being in her stall, and longed to be back outside under the stars with the herd stretching her legs and exercising. The most critical part in all of this is restoring balance to her physical body, but not pushing her so hard and fast that it pushes her past her point of balance. This is a fine line that we unknowingly crossed a few times and set her back a few days. I mainly sat a top her and ran energy the first time, but as time progressed she was able to walk and trot under saddle again! We even witnessed her cantering a few times out in the field with the herd!
On September 19, 2022 we took Inner Beauty back to the veterinarian for a follow up. You can imagine the looks received when the mare walked in pretty normally, and only rested that leg. Fully weight baring, no pain killers, pelvis looked way more level, and then we say we have been very lightly riding her under saddle at a walk and trot. 4 more X-Rays later the veterinarian states well uh I believe you might get 10 more years out of her. She felt the mare was good for light riding, but didn’t recommend jumping. She showed us the one area on the x-ray that she was concerned about, we had not really worked there. This explained why she always rested the injured leg. We stated we would feel very blessed to still have this mare in 10 years as she is like 20 or 22 years old this year. This was incredible news and we knew that Inner Beauty had truly been touched by His healing hands. Praise God!
After returning home it was determined more bone shaving was going to be required. However the spiritual team recommended that I take over to fine tune it, using the gifted encoding. She is now back in the lesson program and available for walk and trot lessons only. She has began resting the left hind leg finally helping to fine tune the alignment of the pelvis. She also decided sometime Sunday 10/9/2022 to rip a few boards off the fence and jump about 3 foot over the remaining boards to go eat grass out of the neighbors hay field. This was her declaration of complete healing we believe, and doing exactly what the vet recommended her not to do! No other horse followed (horses follow the herd generally), and she allowed us to walk right up and catch her thankfully.