I firmly believe in the power of God’s healing hands and the Holistic wellness approach. However when I got sick with Covid for the second time in November 2021, it left me questioning a few things. Do I go to a medical doctor, or do I continue believing that God will provide the wisdom and healing I need?

While I believe there is a time and a place for medical doctors, this wasn’t it. Each passing day I got further from the picture of health. Hormones that were not good to start with were a train wreck, and pain was off the charts. I could no longer tolerate extreme cold, and when you have a barn full of horses who depend on you, this is an issue!

An acquaintance of mine one day asked me do you still feel like you are dying? I said yes, and she says call this number and get a scan done. Well what have I got to lose? So I called and left a voicemail. Soon the gal calls me back and says how can I help you? I want to try this scan! She gives me a quick run down and starts the process. Admittedly I had very little faith that this scan was going to provide any healing! We didn’t even live in the same state, so a remote scan. I provided the required information, listened to the frequencies to ground and shield then started the scan. Lots of different sounds were heard, but you can imagine my surprise when I got sent Excel files that were like 27 pages long! She walked me through the process to listen to the frequencies too.
Overwhelmed yes! But wait, press play! A theory I first said years ago when I started my Holistic wellness journey…it has to be as easy as press play! Press play on the frequencies sent and after 30 minutes of listening things started to change. I felt like I needed to get up and move! I took a shower, put frequencies on speaker the entire time, wasn’t exhausted like normal praise God! Put laundry in, even worked on unloading the dishwasher! My roommate noticed the shift and also that my phone battery was constantly dead! She says what is going on? So I explained to her, affirming my own healing and said I don’t understand it, how it works, or half the stuff in that excel file, but this biofeedback gadget really works! I want it for myself to use as needed!
Immediately a time was set up to go see this gadget, and get one! You can imagine my surprise when we get there and she hands me a phone! I was expecting some mega computer! Well praise God, a gadget that I can take any where, and use any time! Perfect for an obsessed healing gadget collector whose motto is “I gotta gadget for that!”
Would it produce the same results for Tricia and I when we scanned. No. Did it hold true to what we knew were medical issues? Yes! Next step, becoming a QLA complete with the headset and the different color glasses! Little did I understand what God blessed me with that weekend! It would later save me tens of thousands in medical bills, missed days at work, and gift me with a life beyond my wildest dreams!
You don’t have to be a medical doctor, just scan, and press play! Healing can be that simple! Frequency healing is the wave of the future! When I started using the frequencies I only had 2 half moons on my fingernails. I now have 7 of them! For those who know, this is a huge indication of how healthy you are, and generally once you loose them you don’t get them back! From laying in bed lacking energy, in horrible pain, to hiking 23,000 steps in one day at Mt. Shasta California! Blessed by this technology!
Please visit this link to find out more about AO Scan Technology today! Currently assisting humans, horses, dogs, and cats to live their best lives through frequency healing!
Please view all of the healing testimonials!