The Quest for the Holy Grail Meeting takes place every Sunday night at 5:30PM. May be online, at the farm, or any where on the map if we have a planned special event! The Tribe loves to be together and hike in nature! The picture on the left was taken of the Tribe at Ouabache State Park in Bluffton, Indiana where we love to go to visit the Bison! The center picture was taken at Ouabache State Park. The picture on the right is the Tribe at Mounds State Park. We share God signs, Gratitude, and Prayer requests each week! What is your testimonial as to how God has shown up and gifted you a sign this week? God sign loading…wait for it! We want to hear from you! Share your God sign with us below!
December 10, 2021
November 19, 2021 through December 6, 2021 I had been home with Covid and was still not feeling well. The medical doctors had diagnosed me as a Covid long hauler, which I immediately stated that it would be the shortest long haul it ever had. The body aches and pains were excruciating. Cold or being excessively tired seemed to make the aches and pains worse. So being that it was 55 degrees outside I decided that I needed to go out to visit Reinando Rei (WOW Equestrian’s first full blooded Lusitano Stud Colt) in the barn. He had grown so much! Then I heard Quitar Do Top knicker several times. This is rare for him to do, and so I went to his stall and began cleaning, and asked if he had a message or some wisdom for me. I took the first bucket of manure out and had just begun the second when he stretched his neck out and began labored breathing about my throat chakra. Suddenly my entire body felt like it was 105 degrees. I was literally sweating and it was 55 degrees outside. I was able to stay outside and just enjoy the horses, returned inside still feeling hot. Went to work where I ventured into the freezer at minus 20 degrees and was blown away when I came out sweating. I had prayer warriors from across the USA on this as soon as I received the diagnosis. I believe Quitar was chosen by God to bring the healing that I needed in that time and space. Thankfully today I experience peace even when the temperatures are below freezing and or I am exhausted. Thank you God, Prayer Warriors, and Quitar. Blessed and eternally Grateful! God sign: Healing can take place at any moment in any space, be open to receiving!
November 19, 2021 through December 6, 2021 I had been home with Covid and was still not feeling well. The medical doctors had diagnosed me as a Covid long hauler, which I immediately stated that it would be the shortest long haul it ever had. The body aches and pains were excruciating. Cold or being excessively tired seemed to make the aches and pains worse. So being that it was 55 degrees outside I decided that I needed to go out to visit Reinando Rei (WOW Equestrian’s first full blooded Lusitano Stud Colt) in the barn. He had grown so much! Then I heard Quitar Do Top knicker several times. This is rare for him to do, and so I went to his stall and began cleaning, and asked if he had a message or some wisdom for me. I took the first bucket of manure out and had just begun the second when he stretched his neck out and began labored breathing about my throat chakra. Suddenly my entire body felt like it was 105 degrees. I was literally sweating and it was 55 degrees outside. I was able to stay outside and just enjoy the horses, returned inside still feeling hot. Went to work where I ventured into the freezer at minus 20 degrees and was blown away when I came out sweating. I had prayer warriors from across the USA on this as soon as I received the diagnosis. I believe Quitar was chosen by God to bring the healing that I needed in that time and space. Thankfully today I experience peace even when the temperatures are below freezing and or I am exhausted. Thank you God, Prayer Warriors, and Quitar. Blessed and eternally Grateful! God sign: Healing can take place at any moment in any space, be open to receiving!